“a milestone moment for kathak….has moved the form forward … extraordinary dancer who has important things to say”. Pulse Editorial
Again, we enter a period where ‘migrants’ ‘foreigners’ ‘refugees’ are words tarnished ‘dirty’ and ‘negative’ by the media and harboured by politicians for political gain.
First performed in Paris in 2010, ONE has evolved its premise of the fundamental principle of Indian philosophy and classical arts – the cyclic phenomenon, where there is no beginning nor end – to reach out to the same migrant, the refugee and the foreigner who dares to cross the border and lay claim that we are all but refugees of that cycle, and question how we have become territorial of our habitats…
Incorporating Nritta (pure dance) and Nritya (expression of narrative), the kathak through the use of costume, movement, space and music captures the first beat of that cyclic time and nests it until it becomes the ‘one’ again.
Does everything really begin with ‘one’ or is it that everything ends with ‘one’?
ONE was created from the urge to present classical Kathak repertoire with live music, but stylized to a contemporary sensibility and relevance – Amina Khayyam
The production further collaborated with flamenco artist Belen Maya for Mevueles Lorca festival in Aug 2018 in the Andalusian mountains of Granada for a R&D for a future project re Lorca’s women. Click here for an audience blog on the R&D
Tour Dates
27 May 2010
May 9, 2010
London Rd, London
March 23, 2011
University of Surrey, Guildford
April 2, 2011
Grand Parade, Brighton
Jan 14, 2013
Kolkata, India
8 Jan 2013
New Delhi, India
15 Nov 2017
23 May 2018
31 May 2018
10 Aug 2018
Laroles, Spain
31 Oct 2018
15 Nov 2018
“Hypnotic” / "mesmerising" / "..thank you for another utterly stunning performance ..evoked so many emotions" / "A tour de force .. a revolutionary performance... " / "Stunning performance... What clarity of movement, what artistry from the musicians and Amina, Astonishing!" / "Very, very occasionally there is a performance where the boundaries of the form are transcended and where there are subtleties and stories and emotions portrayed in a way you have never seen before"
Audiences"a milestone moment for kathak….has moved the form forward ... extraordinary dancer who has important things to say”.
Sanjeevni Dutta /Editorial PULSETeam
Kathak made and performed by Amina Khayyam and arranged with Debasish Mukherjee (tabla)
Pool Musicians: Lucy Rahman (vocals), Tarun Jasani (sarod), Alastair Morgan /Iain Mchugh (cello)
Dramaturgy by Hardial S. Rai
For Laroles collaboration: Belan Maya (flamenco), Negri (roma vocals), Guiliano Modarelli (guitar) commissioned by Anna Kemp – me velueves Lorca
creatively produced by Hardial S. Rai for Amina Khayyam Dance Company